I was saddened to read of Jimmy's death in the paper this weekend. I remember Jimmy as one of the many parents, friends and neighbors from my youth when we all lived on Hopi street in Boulder. I fondly remember those days in the old neighborhood and feel a sense of loss when someone from that time dies. I hope you can take some comfort from the long and full life Jimmy lived and the many years you had him in your lives. I can only offer my sincere condolences on your loss and hope those who survive him are in good healt and doing well. It is always hard to lose a beloved parent or spouse and I hope that in time the pain eases for you.
Stuart Maybee
In lieu of flowers, please consider a memorial donation to Wounded Warriors (www.woundedwarriorproject.org) or Doctors Without Borders (www.doctorswithoutborders.org). The family thanks you for all your loving thoughts and heartfelt prayers.