Sunday, May 10, 2020
Dear Jim and all of the Palmer children. My husband and I were foster parents for over ten years. Lori was a tremendous inspiration to me personally. She kept a sense of humor during the most trying moments. One day she came to my house to pick up our foster son Dylan for a few hours of daycare while I worked. She was driving to her own doctor’s appointment with several kids loaded in her van. On the way to our place one of the kids threw up. Also, Dylan was screaming because he wanted to stay home. I was helping her clean up and assumed Dylan would stay home that day. She just laughed and cracked jokes about her wild lifestyle. She told me to buckle him in and everything would be fine. It was just a typical day for her. She had an indomitable spirit and love for life and kids. I know she had a huge influence in the lives of many children. On this Mother’s Day we’ll be remembering what a beautiful example she set.
We think of you all fondly and are so sorry for your loss. Paul and Virginia Zebolsky