Friday, June 22, 2018
The Ware family has the most fond memories of Jim Karagas. He and Linda graciously offered their home in Winter Park to our family to spend time with the Bunce family. We did this for many years when our three daughters were growing up. They learned how to ski at Sol Vista Ski Resort and had countless fun memories. Linda and Jim always invited us to My Brother's Bar on the way up to have a fun meal and visit with them. Then they would come and stay a few nights and hang out with us. I remember Jim with that sweet smile and gentle spirit that made everyone around him feel welcome. I was truly amazed at what he did to support the Girl Scouts with the cookies he bought each year. I know he supported my own girls when they were selling them. He had a life well lived and touched many many lives, including ours. You will be greatly missed, Jim.
Joe, Kim, Aubrey, Lillie and Grace